LeVonne de Spa's Blog

Massage for Greater Health

January 15th, 2014 • Posted by LeVonne de Spa • Permalink

Massage therapy has been used to benefit mankind for thousands of years. Massages are relaxing, healing and fulfilling, and help people physically, emotionally and mentally.

There are various massage treatments and styles, each designed to naturally target the area of your body that needs to be treated. Sports massage, for example, helps to break down acids which build in the muscles during strenuous sport activity. The massage helps get the muscles get back into an acclimated form, and also help reduce sports-related injuries from occurring because it helps incorporate stretching and motion into the body, relaxing the muscles and calming them. A sports massage aids both pre- and post-sport events because it helps increase the circulation in the muscles and helps speed up the blood flow to reduce the adrenaline that is built up. If there is a sports injury the massage can help place the athlete back into a functional mode. Every muscle has a memory, and if injured, a massage helps put the muscle back into the position it belongs in, helping prevent or stop muscle bulging and Charley horses. Shiatsu, a form of massage that uses pressure and acupuncture in order to stimulate and redistribute energy throughout your body and especially your muscles, is often used on athletes and is proven to relieve muscle tension.

Another area in which massage therapy can be beneficial is during pregnancy. A mother's heart rate speeds up while she is pregnant, which helps supply the unborn child with oxygen and blood. However, the body is so occupied with supplying the baby that the mother's hands, feet and other areas become cold from lack of blood supply. Getting regular massages while pregnant increases the blood circulation throughout the mother's body. If there are any complications massage helps keep it to a minimum and helps with the birthing process. Being massaged while pregnant also helps relive pain caused by being pregnant, such as back pain, leg cramps etc.

People's medical ailments often come from pain caused by an unknown source. Massages can help drain toxins out of your body and get your circulation going. It helps maintain your system and helps keep you from getting sick. If you have a cold or flu, your recovery time will be a lot quicker if you get a massage during it. The sickness will come on faster but it will also be gone faster, sometimes making you ill for a matter of hours instead of days.

Even emotional issues can benefit from massage. Massaging certain areas through the use of acupuncture and reflexology can increase cerebral spinal fluid as well as be both relaxing and therapeutic. Fire Cupping, another unique form of massage, is a treatment where a cotton ball dipped in 50% or greater alcohol is lit and the cotton ball is then introduced inside of the cup for a brief second. The cup is then placed on the patient. As a small vacuum has been created by the combustion of the oxygen inside the cup, the skin is drawn up into the cup creating a seal. This method actually draws toxins out of your skin, leaving you feel lighter and refreshed afterward.

Massage therapy can do a world of good for you. It can ease your pain, relax your body and cleanse your soul. So the next time you need a little cleansing time, find a massage therapist, and let their hands heal you, both inside and out.

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Reducing the Signs of Aging

December 29th, 2013 • Posted by LeVonne de Spa • Permalink

Of course you don't want to look older than you are, or even older than you feel. But before you make the decision to go under the knife, consider a less radical path. There are strategies you can follow at home, plus professional procedures we can perform that can help you retain your youthful good looks - no surgery required.

At-Home Strategies

Two major anti-aging strategies require no cosmetics of any kind: don't smoke and stay hydrated. Along with avoiding too much sun exposure, avoiding smoking and drinking plenty of water will do more to help you avoid looking old before your time than any cream or lotion. Getting enough sleep is also important.

Assuming you're smoke-free, well-rested and sufficiently hydrated, you can enhance your youthful appearance by using topical products containing alpha hydroxy acids that stimulate collagen production and retinoids that lift away dead skin cells - both of which can reduce surface wrinkles. Applying topical Vitamin C may also stimulate your skin's natural collagen production.

Anti-Aging Spa Procedures

If at-home treatments aren't sufficient, but you're still not ready to go under the knife, we can help. Depending on your skin condition, we may recommend chemical peels, microdermabrasion or laser treatments. All of these treatments require little or no downtime, and each can help you achieve a fresher, younger look.

Microdermabrasion smooths away the surface skin, including discolorations and surface wrinkles. Laser treatments and chemical peels are somewhat more aggressive in removing the top layer of skin, and each treatment stimulates your skin's natural collagen production process, often resulting in smoother, younger looking skin.

Of course, it's unrealistic to expect to look 25 when you're closer to 50. However, there's no reason not to look as good as possible at any age. By being proactive about utilizing at-home strategies and our services, you can significantly delay the visible signs of aging.

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Loving Lush Lashes

December 22nd, 2013 • Posted by LeVonne de Spa • Permalink

One of the first things people notice about you is your eyes. Why not define your most important facial feature with fabulous eyelashes? To get attention-grabbing lashes, check out these three tips to make your eyes pop.

Highlight with bold eyeliner

Use dark, liquid eyeliner to highlight your eye color. You'll want to apply it under your eye and on your lid. You'll want to draw the line as close to your lashes as possible, but only from the middle of your eyes to the outside corner.

Curl your lashes

Before applying your mascara, you'll want to curl your lashes. For this you'll need an eyelash curler. They’re fairly cheap and can be found at any department store. Most women clamp the curler at the base of their lashes and squeeze, but you'll want to do a bit more than that. Use the curler at three different intervals on your lashes: at the base, in the middle, and close to the ends. This will kink your lashes and make them appear longer than just curling them at the base.

Add mascara

You'll want to apply two coats of mascara, letting the first coat dry before adding the second. When applying mascara, rock the brush back and fourth to separate your lashes. This zig-zag technique will coat each lash in mascara and prevent clumps from building up. Apply your second coat. Now your lashes will grab attention!

If you need a little help selecting the right color eyeliner and mascara, we can help. Stop by or give us a call at .

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A True Gift

December 11th, 2013 • Posted by LeVonne de Spa • Permalink

Fretting about what gift to give that special someone? Consider spa treatments. Never the wrong size, out of date or inappropriate, spa treatments are easy to give and perfect to receive. Think about it, you've probably never heard someone say, "Darn, you got me spa treatments!"

Spa treatments are the universally accepted alternative to getting "stuff." With stuff  such as fragrances, food, electronics or clothing, pleasure is derived from handling or using said stuff. When you eat chocolates, you enjoy the taste. But within minutes, that gift is digested and forgotten. When you wear a new scarf, pleasure comes from how it looks or how people react to how it looks. Over time, the scarf fades and wearing it is no longer special.  Spa treatments, however, provide intangible benefits that transcend space and time. They produce feelings of wellness, peace and serenity that become etched in memory.

A trip to the spa means a vacation from the rigors of the world. Rejuvenation, healing and renewal are states of being that coincide with our pursuit of happiness. The best part about spa treatments is they are the most affordable, customizable and practical gift for almost every occasion. Unlike the one-size fits all scarf, spa treatments give the recipient an experience -- something that lasts in the heart and mind.

Face it, people are busy and life is hectic. A gift of a spa treatment allows the recipient to schedule their treat at their convenience. The bottom line? Spa treatments are often appreciated more than mere stuff. Stuff gets tossed out and misplaced. Even if a person loses a gift certificate, we have a record of the purchase and can easily retrieve the gift number.

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Healthy Holidays

December 4th, 2013 • Posted by LeVonne de Spa • Permalink

If the words "ho ho ho" bring to mind a delicious snack cake wrapped in foil rather than Jolly Old Saint Nick, you're not alone. We know what the holidays can do to our waistlines so we're continually looking for a new, better way to eat nutritiously while the rest of the world enjoys a sugar high -- then crashes.

It is rare to get through the holidays without hearing someone complain about the weight they've gained, exercise they've missed out on, or horrible food choices they made during the season. It does not have to be the case for you, though. There are lots of things you can do to stay on track nutritionally, while still loving every moment of the holidays.

An interesting study offers good news and bad news regarding holiday weight gain. According to The New England Journal of Medicine, reports suggesting that the average American gains 7 to 10 pounds of weight between Thanksgiving and Christmas are hogwash. Several recent studies have shown that the average person gains one pound of weight over the holidays. That's the good news.

The bad news is that most people don't ever lose that extra pound. Because the average adult gains one or two pounds per year, it means that a lot of that poundage is picked up during the holiday season.

So, what to do? How can you plan for a holiday season that includes lots of nutritious food to give you energy and leaves you with absolutely no weight gain?

Shop Smart

Who among us is not guilty of filling the pantry with goodies during the holiday season? It's as much a custom as watching It's a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story. It's fine to have those once-a-year snacks available, but balance it out by having nutritious food around, too. Fill containers in your fridge with fresh fruit to snack on and keep pita chips and pretzels in the cupboard for when you're craving something salty. Mix it up. When you're in the mood for something not-so-healthy (but utterly delectable) allow yourself to have a small amount, satisfying your real hunger with healthy alternatives.

Lighten up on the Appetizers

Here's our theory as to why appetizers are always so darn delicious: they are generally full of fat and dense with calories. If you're hosting or attending a party, focus on the appetizers with the most nutritional value. Shrimp cocktail, veggies with low-fat dip, and fresh fruit are all delicious and give you something to munch on while working the room.

Do the Old Switcheroo

It's easy to create the perfect holiday meal while saving calories and fat. Non-fat yogurt or applesauce can be substituted when a recipe calls for oil in baked goods. Light cream cheese, low-fat milk, and chicken stock all add flavor to a dish without cramming it full of fat and calories. Make it a game of figuring out ways to make old, traditional dishes with healthier ingredients.


We hear it so often and it's such boring advice that we're hesitant to include it, but the truth is, we're often really dehydrated when we may feel as though we're hungry. We run around trying to get to this holiday program and picking up that relative at the airport, and frankly, we forget to drink enough water to satisfying our bodies. When it comes to water, our bodies rebel in any number of ways when we're lacking in H2O. We become tired, cranky, and begin to believe that the only thing that's going to make us feel better is reaching for a snack. It's not the snack our bodies crave; it's water.


One way to prevent stress-related eating is to find ways during the holiday season to relax and be at peace with your body. Take a long walk with the kids or a friend, put a few minutes aside each day to simply sit quietly, or schedule a relaxing treatment with us -- anything that allows you to unwind is especially welcome this time of year.

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