LeVonne de Spa's Blog

Three Reasons to Get Artificial Nails

February 18th, 2014 • Posted by LeVonne de Spa • Permalink

Artificial nails are great for special occasions. They look sophisticated and sleek, but there are other reasons to have them put on and these reasons have nothing to do with looks.

Nail Biting

If you have a habit of biting your nails or the skin around your nails, artificial nails could help you kick the habit. For starters, acrylic nails are thick. It makes it extremely difficult to bite them. Plus, they'll taste pretty bad, which will be another deterrent. Fake nails will turn your unshapely bitten hands into a sleek set of nails. They'll look so good you won't want to bite them.

Weak Nails

Some people are born with weak nails. They crack or break with little contact, and it can be a chore to grow them out. If that's the case, consider acrylics. They will function as a protector for your natural nails. 

Nail Splits

If your nails have a tendency to split down the middle, artificial nails can put an end to the pain that comes from this nail condition. Depending on the current shape of your nails, our nail technician will make a suggestion about the kind of artificial nail that's best for you.

Strengthen your nails and prevent bad nail habits by opting for acrylic nails. Call to make your appointment today.

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